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You are where you are for a reason

👉 You are where you are for a reason. Don’t question yourself every day, don’t ask if you are an imposter, don’t ask if you belong.

Let me clarify. I am not advocating a fatalist / deterministic outlook to life, where you deserve only what you have and nothing you do will change anything. Quite the opposite, in fact. I am talking about deserving folks who have this nagging feeling (imposter syndrome) that they got to a place of achievement by mistake, and they are soon going to be ‘outed’ as a fraud.

The world is run by people like you and me. Everyone is figuring things out as they go. Some are better are pretending they are in control, others are not. Some can be like a duck, calm above the surface but paddling like hell underneath. Their best version is what is curated and presented on social media. But trust me, even the best of us have our doubts and insecurities (sometimes, the best of us have the worst insecurities), but they face it head on, day after day, and emerge as winners.

👉 So many folks (your parents, your school teacher, your recruiter, your manager, your CEO; anyone who believed in you) placed their bets on you at different stages of life, for a reason. Try to see yourself through their eyes, maybe you’ll see someone you love.