One of my favourite SciFi movies is Gattaca. Set in a futuristic world where genetic modification is the norm and there’s a clear divide between the genetically manipulated ‘superior’ children (the valids) and the naturally conceived ‘inferior’ children (the in-valids).
Vincent is an in-valid. With genes that indicate a high probability of several disorders and an estimated life span of 30.2 years, he works as a janitor while secretly dreaming of becoming an astronaut, a vocation from which he is disqualified. Vincent’s brother, Anton, on the other hand, is a valid, and their sibling rivalry is heightened by their genetic divide.
Growing up, Vincent & Anton challenge each other to games of “chicken,” in which they both swim out into the ocean as far as they dare; the first one to turn back is the loser. Vincent always loses, until one day he shocks Anton by outdistancing him. Anton, who cannot keep up, almost drowns, and has to be saved by his genetically inferior brother.
Astonished at this turn of events, Anton asks (towards the end of the movie), “How are you doing this Vincent?”
To which Vincent replies: “I never saved anything for the swim back.”
👉 Go all in. Human ingenuity is infinite. Ideas will emerge.