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Less but better

👉  “Less but better”. 

Dieter Rams, the legendary German industrial designer, wrote a book titled “Less but better” about his design philosophy. That’s a fantastic way of life too.

We live in an age glutted with information. Most of the modern diseases are diseases of abundance (of food, information, choices) and not scarcity. More is not always good. 

How to choose what to read or what to watch? Less but better. It is ok to skim many books, but spend a disproportionate amount of time picking a few important books and internalising them deeply. Watch fewer shows or videos, but enjoy them more. Re-read or re-watch your top favourites. 

How to choose who you spend your time with? Fewer but better. Choose the few aspirational people around you (in your friends / family circles) who make you want to be a better person every day. And go deeper into those relationships. Help them out more deeply, connect with them more regularly. 

The secret to cogent writing? Less but better. Every edit should remove words that are unnecessary, leaving behind only the most powerful thoughts optimised for their brevity.

👉  Less clutter, more quality.