Marketing Mental Models (aka MMM) for young marketers. Post # 7:
👉 Today’s topic: The ‘Jobs to be done’ framework.
(All posts under this series can be found here:
💡 A powerful framework used in successful companies across the world (including Unilever): The JTBD framework. Think about: What has the customer ‘hired’ your product / brand to do? What is the ‘job’ the she wants done?
JTBD is a fantastic model to use to prioritise product / marketing bets. If you are lost in customer research, segmentation, feature prioritisation, demographics etc and can’t decide what the customer truly wants from your product, think about the following questions:
1) What are the key ‘jobs to be done’ for the customer in your category? (i.e. key needs. And this goes beyond demographics / psychographics. It is about specific priority pain points and a specific time and place).
2) Who is getting hired to do the job today? And why? (i.e. who is your competition?)
3) How can you do the job better for him / her? (i.e. competitive advantage via product features, service benefits, branding etc).
e.g. YouTube can be ‘hired’ by different users for different ‘jobs’. A sports fan hires YT to keep her entertained with sports clips; a student hires YT to teach her math; a music lover hires YT to keep her company on a long drive. At each of these jobs, YT should think how it can be the best at delivering value.
💡 “How to choose which ‘jobs’ to solve?”, you may ask. Customers have thousands of jobs and they might hire thousands of products / brands. 👉 The way to choose the jobs to focus on: Size of Prize + Right to Win.
– Size of prize = the size of the opportunity in terms of revenue, profits etc.
– Right to win = how proficient are you currently (or can be in the future) in that job.
Make a 2×2 matrix and choose the job where your product / brand / company sees the biggest size of prize & the strongest right to win. And then become the best hire for that job.
This also applies for prioritising future innovation.