I was brought up in a typical middle class family – low-risk upbringing and mentality, always needing all the answers before jumping into anything new. Many a times, it was wise to have all the information and then making the decision.
But in situations where ambiguity was the norm and the solution was unclear, this non-committal approach would stand in my way of going on new adventures where the fun was in ‘figuring it out as we go along’. Most of life’s interesting explorations were built during the journey, not before.
I recently had the good fortune of hearing Mick Ebeling from NotImpossible Labs (notimpossible.com), speak about how he built an organisation that helps solve global problems like food scarcity, inclusiveness, disability etc through radical acts of collaborative innovation. How he and his rag-tag team of volunteers, tinkerers and inventors developed solutions that at the outset would have seems completely impossible.
👉 His mantra stuck with me, and it was, “Commit and then figure out how.”
Say yes, before you know how it can be done. The universe will come together and conspire to make it happen, if the cause is worthy and your heart is in it.
I have seen it work beautifully at my work and in my podcast. I don’t know where the next step-jump in growth will come from, but we commit and we always figure out how. I don’t know who my next guest will be, but I have committed to a bi-weekly schedule and I always figure it out; somehow I land up with fantastic guests each time.
So, commit and then figure out how. You will make it work.