Be a beginner. Be unafraid.
A beginner has everything to learn and nothing to lose. “I don’t know anything in this topic anyways, and the only way is up!”, they think. An expert has nothing to learn and everything to lose.
A beginner has no reputation, only curiosity. A beginner says, “Hey, I don’t know that. I would love to learn. Can you teach me?”. An expert has a reputation that he / she has to protect, and a diminishing curiosity because they already ‘know it all’.
A beginner is excited about every challenge that comes their way, because it is going to teach something new. “Wow! a new puzzle to solve!” they says. An expert is petrified of a new challenge because it doesn’t fit in their SOP, framework or knowledge bank.
Regularly have a beginner’s mindset, even if you are an expert. It will help you reinvent yourself and learn faster.