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Get curious

🔥 Don’t get furious. Get curious.

Curiosity fuels imagination. Imagination fuels solutions. Children are always curious, imaginative and solution oriented. For them, the world is a puzzle. They encounter new pieces of the puzzle (or even entirely new puzzles) every day.

Someone’s behaviour making you steam from your ears? Stop to think about the ‘why’ behind the action. Treat it like a puzzle that needs solving.

You face a blocker in your project at work? Think about the moving parts, the missing pieces, and the possible next steps. Treat it like a puzzle that needs solving.

Puzzles are challenging, but they are fun and blameless. They unlock our inquisitiveness and make us look incisively into every thing. And they move us away from anger or self-loathing, into curiosity.

👉 Get curious.

p.s. For more on puzzles and this curiosity mindset, check out this gem of an episode from the Tim Ferriss Podcast (with A J Jacobs):