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Momentum > Velocity > Speed

👉 Momentum > Velocity > Speed.

A few months back, I had written about how Velocity is much more important than Speed. Velocity is speed + direction. Just running at top speed without direction is at best a waste of time; at worst it can be reversing your progress. Velocity is a lot more important. It is speed that is directed towards the goal, and focusing on velocity means you are progressing towards your north star, with speed.

Today I want to extend the analogy today to ‘momentum’.

👉 Momentum is mass × velocity.

Momentum is focusing the biggest project or biggest priority (biggest mass) and then amplifying that with the direction and the speed (velocity). This combination will make your progress unstoppable. And once the momentum accelerates, you will become an unstoppable force (Physics pun intended).

Give your biggest priority the direction and speed it needs. Then build on the momentum.