I spent 5 years trying to get my podcast off the ground. Spent years agonising over the brand name, domain name, traffic sources, launch strategy and whatnot. One day, I decided, screw this quest for the ultimate perfection, let me just get started and get one episode off the ground. Called a few friends, got some contacts, recorded the first episode, edited it, put together some creatives and here I am 25 episodes later, and it has been one of the most enriching learning experiences I’ve had in the last decade.
If you are like me, and you overthink and overplan everything, please understand: Real life has too much context and layers and webs of responses that make it impossible to predict. Plans are useless. Feedback loops and iterations are everything. Learn by building instead of learning by planning or reading. Doing comes first. Learning follows. Ideas matter less nowadays. Worlds built in your head don’t matter. Ideas are powerful, but seeing ideas in action is infinitely more powerful.
Speed compounds.
Prototyping > pondering.
Launch and Learn.
Number of iteration cycles = Compounding improvement = Excellence in output and outcomes.