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Productivity = Intentionality + Focus

Productivity is accomplishing what we intend to.

Ambition doesn’t seem to be the problem nowadays. Most of you are ambitious, driven, wanting to achieve more. But the issue is, busy-ness is mistaken for productivity. Productivity has become all about cramming the most amount of activity in a given day, or squeezing that extra few mins from your afternoon.

Productivity is about driving forward your life’s work. The thing that matters the most to you, that will impact the world in the most positive way. It is about focus and hard choices.

If your ladder is leaning on the wrong wall, every step you climb is progress in the wrong direction. Every day will feel like progress, but it really won’t be.

Productivity = Intentionality (choosing what to work on, choosing the right ‘wall to lean your ladder on’) + Focus (Singletasking & rejection of distractions, sustained over the intended time period). Outcomes will happen automatically.

What do you intend to do today?