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Strong opinions, loosely held

You want to have deep conviction about your craft (the stuff that you know a lot about), but that can make you stubborn and pedantic. On the other hand, you also don’t want to be swayed by everyone’s opinion all the time; that will make you a doormat.

How to balance between confidence and flexibility? Between quick decision making and curiosity?

1) Develop super strong opinions (mental frameworks, rather) in areas of your expertise, based on knowledge, expertise, observation, iteration and even failure.
2) But hold them loosely, i.e. don’t attach your ego or identity to those opinions. They are strongly held based on current best available data, but they should be easily adaptable when new and better data is available to prove them wrong.

This change is not a reflection on you or your identity, it is a reflection of your curiosity.

👉  It is a reflection of a scientific mind that believes in experimentation and change.